How are Venture X Business miles calculated?

The Capital One Venture X Business Card earns Venture miles at the following rates:

  • 10 miles per dollar spent on hotels and rental cars booked through Capital One Travel.
  • 5 miles per dollar spent on flights and vacation rentals booked through Capital One Travel.
  • 2 miles per dollar spent on all other purchases.

Venture X Business miles to dollars calculator

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Venture X Business benefits

Here are the main benefits of the Venture X Business Card:

  • $300 Annual Travel Credit: Receive a $300 annual credit for bookings through Capital One Travel.
  • 10,000 Miles Anniversary Bonus: Get 10,000 bonus miles (equal to $100 towards travel) every year, starting on your first anniversary.
  • Global Entry or TSA PreCheck Credit: Receive up to a $120 credit for Global Entry or TSA PreCheck® when you use your card to pay the application fee.
  • Airport Lounge Access: Enjoy complimentary access to 1,300+ airport lounges worldwide, including Capital One Lounge locations and membership to Priority Pass through the Partner Lounge Network.
  • Premier Collection: Enjoy a $100 experience credit, daily breakfast for 2 and other premium benefits.

Venture X Business miles transfer calculator

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Venture X Business fees

Annual Fee

The Venture X Business Card has a $395 annual fee.

The fee is taken care of every year thanks to the $300 travel credit and 10,000 anniversary bonus miles — worth $100 at minimum. So you're pretty much paying nothing to have this card and it offers a ton of benefits that can be great for just about any business.

Authorized User Fee

There is no fee to add additional cards to the Venture X Business Card. Adding employee cards can help build up miles for the business faster.

Foreign Transaction Fee

The Venture X Business Card has a 0% foreign transaction fee. That makes this an excellent option if your business deals with international travel or spending.