Sam's Cash Rewards Quick Overview

  • What is Sam's Cash? Sam's Cash is the rewards currency of the Sam's Club Rewards program.
  • How to Earn Sam's Cash: Earn Sam's Cash in-store as a Sam's Club Plus member or by using the Sam’s Club® Mastercard® for purchases.
  • Best for Frequent Shoppers: Sam's Club Plus membership is ideal for those who shop at Sam’s Club monthly, offering the ability to earn Sam's Cash in-store and enhanced earning rates with the Sam's Club Mastercard.
  • Spending Threshold for Value: Even without the credit card, Sam's Club Plus membership is more valuable than standard membership if you spend over $250 per month in-club.

Sam's Cash Credit Card Calculators

Sam's Club offers one credit card that earns Sam's Cash. This card is extremely beneficial for those with Sam's Plus Membership as you'll earn a total of 5% back spending at Sam's Club. Non-Plus members will only earn 1% back at Sam's Club which makes it a terrible choice for shopping in-store and online with the card.

Learn more about Sam's Club credit cards and use our Sam's Cash credit card calculators to find out how much you can earn based on your monthly spend. Compare the results side-by-side other credit cards featured on the site.

Sam's Club Membership Value Calculators

Sam's Club offers two levels of membership: standard and Plus. Plus membership is $60 more than standard membership, but grants a handful of additional benefits which includes earning 2% back at Sam's Club as well as significantly enhancing the value of the Sam's Club Mastercard.

Learn more about Sam's Club membership and use our calculators to determine if membership is worth it based on your membership level, the Sam's Club Mastercard, and how much you spend at Sam's Club annually.