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Blue Cash Preferred® Card from American Express

Card Value & Cash Back Calculator

Earning Rates

  • Earn 6% Cash Back at U.S. supermarkets on up to $6,000 per year in purchases (then 1%).
  • Earn 6% Cash Back on select U.S. streaming subscriptions.
  • Earn 3% Cash Back on transit including taxis/rideshare, parking, tolls, trains, buses and more.
  • Earn 3% Cash Back at U.S. gas stations.
  • Earn 1% Cash Back on other purchases.

Intro Bonus

  • Earn a $250 statement credit after you spend $3,000 in purchases on your new Card within the first 6 months.

Main Benefits

  • Complimentary ShopRunner membership and Disney Bundle (Disney+, Hulu, ESPN+) discount.

Rewards Details

  • Cash Back is received in the form of Reward Dollars that can be redeemed as a statement credit.

Our Take

The Blue Cash Preferred is the best cash back credit card for anyone that spends around $500 per month at U.S. supermarkets.

AMEX Cash Back Calculator

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Any spend entered into the primary card column (the first column) will carry over to all credit card calculators on the site, so there's no need to re-enter spend when viewing other credit cards.

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Is the AMEX Blue Cash Preferred a charge card?

No. It is a credit card.

Is the Blue Cash Preferred or Blue Cash Everyday better?

This will depend on your credit card spend. The Blue Cash Preferred is the better option if you spend more than $270 in U.S. supermarkets purchases.

Is the AMEX Blue Cash Preferred worth it?

The card is easily worth it if you spend between $300 and $500 on at U.S. supermarkets.

What can you use AMEX cash back for?

Cash back earned with AMEX credit cards are referred to as Reward Dollars and can be used for statement credits.

Does AMEX cash back expire?

No. Rewards earned with AMEX are good as long as you have an active account and you're in good standing.

Can you get pre-approved for the Blue Cash Preferred?

You can use the CardMatch Tool to see if you're pre-approved for an American Express credit card based on your credit profile.

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