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Calculator: Apple Card

Card Value & Daily Cash Calculator
Apple Card

Earning Rates

  • Earn 3% back on purchases made in-store or online with Apple.
  • Earn 3% back when you use your Apple Card with Apple Pay with select partners.
  • Earn 2% back when you use your Apple Card with Apple Pay for all other purchases across your Apple devices.
  • Earn 1% back when you use your physical card to pay for your purchase.

Select 3% partners include: ACE Hardware, Duane Reade, Exxon, Mobil, Nike, Panera Bread, T-Mobile, Uber, Uber Eats, and Walgreens.

Main Benefits

  • Pay for new Apple products over time, interest free when you choose to check out with Apple Card Monthly Installments.

Rewards Details

  • Daily Cash earned with the Apple Card is equal to actual cash so 1 cent earned in Apple Daily Cash is equal to 1 cent USD.
  • Daily Cash is paid out to you on a daily basis and will post to your account as soon as the transaction posts to your account. Once Daily Cash posts, it will be given to you in terms of Apple Cash and you can use it however you want.

Our Take

The Apple Card is a solid choice if you want to earn 3% back with Apple and their partners or if you're looking to finance large purchases. If you have an Apple product, such as an iPhone, it doesn't hurt to have the card available as it has no fee and no interest charges.

Daily Cash Calculator

Input your monthly and yearly spend amounts to calculate how much Daily Cash you can earn with the Apple Card. Compare the results side by side up to 2 credit cards to find out which cards are best for you.

Any spend entered into the primary card column (the first column) will carry over to all credit card calculators on the site, so there's no need to re-enter spend when viewing other credit cards.

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How Does Apple Pay Work?

Apple Pay is an electronic wallet. When you receive money it is displayed in your Wallet app across all connected Apple Devices. You can then use that money instantly to pay for things online, in-store, and other Apple Pay users.

Where can I use Apple Cash?

You can use Apple Cash anywhere that Apple Pay is accepted. This can be for purchases made in-store or online.

Can I transfer money from Apple Cash?

Yes. Apple Cash gives you the option to transfer money to your bank directly from the Wallet App.

Does Apple Cash charge a fee?

No. Apple Cash is free to use. You will not be charged for using Apple Cash to pay for purchases nor will you be charged when sending money to other Apple Pay users.

What is Apple Daily Cash?

Apple Daily Cash is earned when you use the Apple Card to make purchases. Cash back earned with the Apple Card is added to your Apple Cash balance on a daily basis. There's no need to wait until your statement ends like other credit cards.

Is the Apple Card free?

Yes. The Apple Card has no annual fee, no authorized user fee, and no foreign transaction fee. It's a solid card for anyone that uses Apple Pay that wants to earn 2%-3% Daily Cash on purchases.

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