Quick Overview


Asia Miles Credit Card Calculators

Cathay Pacific offers one co-branded credit card. It's not the best option for earning Asia miles, but luckily Cathay Pacific is a transfer partner of several major U.S. credit card rewards program which means you have significantly better options for building your miles.

Use our Asia miles calculator to calculate total miles and card value for Cathay Pacific credit cards based on your spend and card benefits, minus any fees. Results can be compared alongside other credit cards featured on the site.

Asia Miles Value Calculators

Asia miles can be redeemed for the best value towards award flights with Cathay Pacific, oneworld Alliance airlines, and several other global airline partners. Other redemptions, such as hotels and car rentals, are also available, but offer lower value.

Use our Asia Miles Value Calculator to convert Asia miles to dollars when redeemed for flights, hotels, car rentals, entertainment, and more.

Asia Miles Transfer Calculators

Cathay Pacific is a direct transfer partner of AMEX, Citi, Capital One and several other programs. This makes it easy to earn tens to hundreds of thousands of Asia miles via intro bonuses and everyday spending—getting you to award flights faster than ever!

Learn more about Cathay Pacific transfer partners and use our Asia miles transfer calculators to calculate the conversion of rewards into Asia miles.

Program specific Asia miles transfer calculators: