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Points & Miles To Dollars Calculator

Calculate points and miles to dollars for airline miles, hotel points, credit card rewards, and more for popular programs worldwide. Select a program and enter total rewards to get the average cash value based on redemption.
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Welcome to the best tool for calculating rewards points and miles to dollar value with top programs worldwide. Jump To Rewards Value Tool

Points & Miles To Dollars Tool

Use this tool to find out how much points and miles are worth on average based on how they are redeemed. When applicable, you can find out how much rewards are worth when redeemed for:

  • Point transfers to partners (our valuation)
  • Travel (airfare, hotels, car rentals, lounge access, etc.)
  • Gift cards
  • Merchandise and at checkout with retailers
  • Cash back and statement credits
Things To Note
  1. We do not have a breakdown of values for every redemption and point/mile currency. Some currencies will only show our average value and some currencies will not be listed at all due to us not having any values in the database.
  2. The value of redemptions can change at any time and these changes may not be reflected immediately on this website. Please be sure to read the terms and conditions of any rewards program you're interested in.
  3. Certain redemptions don't have a set value (point/mile transfers, free night redemptions, award flights, etc). The values we provide for these type of redemptions are our valuations. You may value these redemptions higher or lower — everyone's valuations are not the same.


Credit Card Rewards
Rewards earned with credit card rewards programs.
Airline Miles
Rewards earned with airline frequent flyer programs.
Hotel Rewards Points
Rewards earned with hotel loyalty programs.
Cruise Rewards
Rewards earned with cruise lines.
Rewards earned with transportation programs (car rentals, fuel, etc).
Retail Rewards
Rewards earned with store and retail rewards programs.
Other Rewards
Rewards earned with all other kinds of programs.
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