Airline Miles Calculators
- Credit Card Miles Calculators
- Airline Miles Value Calculators
- Conversion & Transfer Calculator
- All Airline Calculators

Airline Credit Card Rewards Calculators
Use our airline credit card rewards calculators to calculate how many miles you can earn with co-branded airline credit cards. You can click on any of our top picks below to calculate total rewards and overall card value or view the full list of airline credit cards featured on the site.
Airline Miles Value Calculators
View the list of redemption options by rewards program and find out how much your rewards are worth by using our calculators to convert travel rewards to dollars based on available redemption options.
Conversion & Transfer Calculators
View the list of transfer partners and credit card transfer partners by airline. Calculate the conversion of rewards to airline programs with our transfer calculators and how much you can earn with partner credit cards with our credit card partner calculators.
All Frequent Flyer Calculators & Guides
View all available airline miles calculators based on frequent flyer program.