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Calculator: Westpac Altitude Rewards Platinum

Card Value & Altitude Points Calculator

Earning Rates

  • Earn 3 points per $1 spent on Qantas and Jetstar flights bought in Australia, on up to $10,000 per month (then 1X).
  • Earn 2 points per $1 spent on Uber, Uber Eats, Spotify Premium, Airbnb and on Overseas Spend (including overseas purchases made from Australia).
  • Earn 1 point per $1 spent on all other purchases.

Main Benefits

  • Enjoy complimentary insurances.

Rewards Value

Our Take

Altitude Points Calculator

Use the rewards calculator to calculate Altitude Rewards points per $1 spent and card value for the Altitude Rewards Platinum. Compare the results side by side up to 2 credit cards to find out which cards are best for you.

Any spend entered into the primary card column (the first column) will carry over to all credit card calculators on the site, so there's no need to re-enter spend when viewing other credit cards.

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